Case Study : Channel Analytics and Shopper Insights

We have just  completed a shopper understanding study for a Fortune 50 MNC in major 
cities in  India and China, to understand the behaviour and attitudes of Purchasers and 
The study has been used to recommend what the company can do to win in the 
store by improving its implementation in “the last 3 feet” and key segment 
We have also identified the key marketing interventions the company can make 
to increase the share of its brand from among the set of brands the shoppers 
consider while making a purchase decision.


1. Generate shopper insights through an in-depth understanding of the buying behaviour that 
     links brand recall with considered set and final purchase

2. Outline the key image drivers versus competition to define the main differentiators that can 
    grow share for a brand

3. Recommend a trade and consumer plan that can increase in-store visibility and to create 
    segment leadership and brand preference

4. Understand the shopper path to purchase.

5. Determine channel opportunities for the brand and immediate/ long term monetization 

Key learnings:

The study was able to provide a clear picture to win in the retail last three feet in an 
extremely competitive and cluttered retail environment that varied between large cities and 
small towns. We were able to create a differentiated retail strategy that proactively took into 
account :
  •             Retail segments 
  •             Product segments
  •             Brand strengths and weaknesses
  •             Opportunities in new form factors
  •             Retail Marketing opportunities
  •             Digital Marketing plan
  •             Product segment Strategy
  •             Key image drivers
The company is currently implementing the recommendations and has embarked on new 
retail initiatives.
